Wood sawdust is a kind of biomass from the wood and timber industry, which is the commonest typical biomass waste. Sawdust briquette machine is the popular equipment to make mechanism charcoal.
What Is Wood Sawdust briquette
Compared to the agricultural raw material, wood sawdust has a lower ash content, lower risks of corrosion and dirtying, requires high temperatures of ash deformation (>1200ºC) and also requires no additives or thickeners to increase production costs. Since humidity and the actual wood lignin work as a natural adhesive. Wood is a renewable resource, but conservation is essential to sustainable forestry and environmental protection.
Where Are The Wood And Sawdust Coming From
Wood waste comes from both commercial and residential activities: scrap lumber, pallets, tree stumps, branches, bark and twigs. Sawdust probably comes from the woodworking operations: such as sawing, milling, planning, routing, drilling and sanding.
Pay Attention To The Raw Material
Before making the briquette, raw materials should be adjusted to meet the requirement of the briquette press machine, two important factors should be paid attention to.
Moisture: 12% ~16%, in order to make high-quality briquette, this is certain moisture range should be followed up strictly. Though this doesn’t mean briquette cannot be made out the range. Moisture will reduce the quality of the briquette, high moisture will make the briquette with cracks and a low density, low moisture leads the briquette loose, with a rough surface and hard to be made.
Size: For different charcoal briquette machines, the requirement is different as well. Material size below 5mm is an ideal choice for making high-quality briquette with high density and easy to choose a charcoal briquette machine.
Find A Suitable Wood Sawdust Briquette Machine
The charcoal briquette machine is used to make sawdust briquette in an economy way, this machine with a low price. It enables working in a low pressure which helps a low running cost. The heating temperature not only soft the lignin, but in another word, that is “melt”, the briquette is with high strength and also an ideal briquette for making mechanism charcoal.
Hope this article can help you know more about the straw briquette machine, if you want to build your own charcoal briquette plant, please contact us.
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